"The result is a sort of scenographic gestalt. Humans have this great ability to imagine and to convince themselves they see what they imagine." Arnold Aronson and Harold Prince, American Set Design
Rush Kid Quentin started this set during our first class with Opera on Tap back in October. Yesterday we finished it off as a group. After a disagreement as to which opera Quentin was designing for (we never did agree and Quentin was at an PSAT prep class) we decided to sort of mix and match from a variety of operas.
Also opera related: Following up on Dennis' idea about the Cherry Blossom mural at PS165 being a perfect set for Madame Butterfly, we are going to host a special performance by Opera on Tap at Rush Gallery at PS165 Friday May 28 1-2pm!
And if that weren't enough opera excitement -- Opera on Tap will be doing a cameo aria during both of our Rush Education Exhibition 2010 openings. Hope you will be able to join us!