Sunday, March 21, 2010


"Design for theater is not one whit less frustrating than fashion design, and for some of the same reasons; but the long tradition of the stage borrows constant glory from the high arts of music and literature, and some serious painters have gilded the still subfusc métier of costume design by doing sketches for sate productions. Most such works by Chagall or Picasso, say, or Leonardo da Vinci - are rightly admired as pictures by the artist in question..." Anne Hollander, Feeding the Eye

Rush Kids designed, sewed and created costumes and props:

For Opera on Tap:

Papagana & Papagano:

"It was a diminutive yet fearsome two headed dragon!!"
Prince Tamino, Opera on Tap script Magic Flute


Friday, March 12, 2010

OOT at Freddy's!

Last night after delicious fare at Le Gamin, Meridita and I and our opera-lovin' posse headed over to Freddy's for another raucous round of Opera on Tap, the worlds funnest opera troupe.

Last night the theme was dumb-dumbs in opera, and the lovely ladies and lone gentleman sang beautiful arias that nonetheless were penned for stupid characters.

Many of the players wore these OoT t-shirts pictured here (I scooped this image from their website) and I thought it was particularly fitting (ha ha no pun intended) that the board behind them says "I'm with stupid."

The singing was, as always, amazing, and anyone who has not checked out Opera on Tap is even stupider than the stupidest characters in the operatic repertoire!